Products & Services
USG currently produces 18 wheat lines and over 40 soybean lines with 8 different technology traits.
USG currently has one of the best wheat lineups in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic USA. USG wheats are often found at the top of university variety trials and private field plots.USG has a wheat that will perform on your farm.
USG currently carries a few of every technology seed available today. We have the Xtend and Enlist you need to fight tough weeds now with XtendFlex coming in 2021.
USG has 34 production sites in 12 states that stretches from Delaware to Texas. They all carry a different combination of USG wheat and or soybeans. Click over to this page to see who is closest and who carries the USG line you are searching for.
Yield Results
USG tests it's soybeans and wheat in every state variety trial where it is produced and then some. Click over to this page to see how USG products did in a test location near your farm.